Getting Feet Wet With Machine Learning


Naive Bayes will be used for this Machine Learning project. Explanation was obtained from this website.

Bayes theorem is represented with the following expression:

P(A B) = P(B A) * P(A) / P(B)

“Here, we calculate the probability of event A, given that event B has occurred. The right hand side of the equation consists of the probability of event B, given that event A has occurred, multiplied by the ratio of probability of event A to Probability of event B.”



Data obtained from this website.

Direct calculations calculations would be described in the code. These are the following results. Here I derive the label priors as well as the vote probabilities (the probability that an individual of both parties would vote 1 on a measure.)

This data is later used to derive the probability that an individual is a Republican based on their vote history. One could derive the probability that an individual is a Democrat with some simple additional code. Here the model has an 85% accuracy.